We launch the new webserie Legal Talks. The proposal is to present topics of great relevance in the legal world in an objective and provocative way, in short time – about 3 minutes each video.
At the premiere, the founding partner, Alessandra Mourão, runs a short chat with Wanessa Magnusson, partner in the area of volume litigation, with the theme “The legal process.” After all, what is it and how will it affect the contract negotiations and the resulting legal proceedings?
The web series will be released in 15 to 15 days and will also count on the participation of areas in which the office operates, such as environmental law, digital, biodiversity, energy, among others.
Nascimento and Mourão Advogados believes that video is an efficient medium for transmitting knowledge, in line with the dynamism of the current times.
Confira: https://nascimentomourao.adv.br?page_id=143